The enigma of the ellipsis — and why we see it on every UI

The enigmatic ellipsis — and why we see it on every UIThis little symbol’s hit the big time, but has it forgotten where it came from?What do you think of when you see the symbol above on your screen? Does it mean “more”? Is it an “overflow indicator”? Maybe it’s a delicious counterpart to the hambur..

UX Trends 2020: A retrospective

The best UX trends speed up interactions, improve usability, and reduce friction. 2020 has reinforced some trends from the previous year, including AI-assisted voice interactions, hyper-personalization, and hand-drawn content; and produced a handful of new UX trends that will endure through the comi..

Designers + product managers: navigating tension and role fuzziness

Designers + Product managers: navigating tension and role fuzzinessGetting this special relationship to the next levelProduct management and Design disciplines are quite well defined “on paper”. On the battlefield, what we actually bring to the table is incredibly fuzzy. From the outside, we might e..

How to make the Hick-Hyman’s law work for you

The time it takes to make a decision increases proportionally to the number and complexity of choices. Use this effect in your products. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Android: 12 years of design history

Nowadays Android is installed on about 2.5 billion active devices. How did it begin? Let’s test it and figure it out. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Experiences and errors — whose fault is it?

Experiences and errors — whose fault is it?Image courtesy of Headway on UnsplashCicero once said that “To make a mistake is only human; to persist in a mistake is idiotic.” I do understand where he was coming from, but these words were pronounced in a time when we didn’t have the experience of writi..

A few other things for your accessibility checklist

7 essential accessibility sticking points you might have overlooked in your applications.There are loads of requirements in order to fully comply with accessibility by WCAG standards. While you might be familiar with the usual accessibility checklist, today I will break down other things in the acce..

What it takes to build a bridge

To cross a divide, the gap has to be understood. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designers should know crypto

The technology is here to stay, but with the more mainstream adoption come design challenges that were until now unsolved. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How is AI-centered product design different?

People who are interested in AI often ask me what an AI designer is,and I’ve attempted to answer that question in this article. I wanted to go a step further, by helping designers and product teams understand how designing AI-based product experiences is different from traditional product design. He..