The design of time

Should we judge a president by the design of their watch? Continue reading on UX Collective »

A brief history on writing: A forgotten technology

How the challenges we face in today’s digital age can be traced back to one of the most significant yet underrated innovations of all time—writing.Ernest Hemingway writing. Image: WortmanWhen you think “technology”, writing seldom comes to mind. Yet, the creation of writing remains one of the single..

How do I measure the impact of my design?

For the past years, the way we measure Design has evolved. Previously, the measuring stick we use is how visually appealing it was, how… Continue reading on UX Collective »

The UCD sense: I see a need for systemic change

The job ad said “content designer”. The interviewer was very keen to hear about your content design experience, and spoke animatedly about the organisation moving to a user-centred design approach.But by mid-morning of your first day, perhaps sooner, you know. Photo by Matthew T Rader on UnsplashSpi..

Why estimates and timelines are the biggest enemy to delivering value

Obsessive focus on ‘When it will be done?’ moves value to the backseat Continue reading on UX Collective »

Adopting a reflective practice

How I catalogue my learning to grow as a practitionerCatalogued learnings from MiroI’m one of those people that can’t sleep until the thoughts floating around in my head are either written down or sketched out. I used to see this as a negative thing, like an obsession to think through all possible s..

Realizing the business impact of design

Illustration designed by the author. Inspired by Euro notesMy goal for writing this article is to amplify the business value that design can have beyond product and UX. It’s an attempt to broaden perspectives on the role of design in business, and what people think about when they hear or say “Desig..

How we migrated our design team to Figma

Part 1: Tools, costs, and learnings from other design teamsAs the coronavirus hit the travel industry earlier this year, the design team at Agoda looked at how we could save costs without sacrificing the quality of the work we’re doing. The collaborative features and the opportunity to shrink the co..

How to make sure your audience understands your visualization

User test to see if your message is understood Continue reading on UX Collective »

Have we been building products all wrong?

Are opinionated products necessary for differentiation in a competitive market? Or do they impose undue limitations? Continue reading on UX Collective »