Designers + product managers: navigating tension and role fuzziness

Designers + Product managers: navigating tension and role fuzzinessGetting this special relationship to the next levelProduct management and Design disciplines are quite well defined “on paper”. On the battlefield, what we actually bring to the table is incredibly fuzzy. From the outside, we might e..

Defining your design system and content system rules

Let your design community shape and strengthen your systems.Getting the design and content teams in your company engaged in your design system is key to its success. Here’s a framework that helps you get your design community onboard early, when you and your team are defining the system and its stan..

Fixing our career paths, Figma accessibility plugin, Aurora UI

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.“I think we’re missing a lot more transparency among companies to really align on what a job title actually means. A Lead Designer at a startup means something entirely different than a Lead Designer at a large company. In fact, even compa..

If you fail, I fail

How lockdown has taught designers to truly understand their clients.Image by Rikki StoreyAs the UK passes a sobering milestone marking a year since the first lockdown was announced, I have realised two truths: As designers, we don’t truly understand the impact our clients experience during periods o..

Rest in pieces, phonebloks

Phonebloks, or when radical design intersected the long road to reliable and repairable objects Continue reading on UX Collective »

Not every project needs to follow the same process.

Our goal as designers should be to seek clarity, not to impose a path to achieve it. — 100 design lessons for 2021 Not every project needs to follow the same process. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to t..

The most common mistake designers make when adjusting their bar charts

What to do if your values don’t fit? Continue reading on UX Collective »

We need more friction in our algorithms

Companies have paid lip service to our digital wellbeing for too long. Now we need to see real change. Continue reading on UX Collective »

UX methods, WhatsApp privacy backlash, illustrations in Figma

Your weekly list of curated design resources, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.The most common tool, methods, processes, and deliverables that designers use throughout the digital product design process. Learn all of them, but don’t obsess about them. Our goal as designers should ..

Accessible SVG Icons

The answer to “What is the most accessible HTML for an SVG icon?” isn’t one-size-fits all, because what an icon needs to do on a website varies. I’m partial to Heather Migliorisi’s research on all this, but I can summarize. Extremely quickly: hide it if it’s decorative, title it if it’s stand-alone,..