Reflection on 2020 as a service designer: Leading with empathy for everyone

Empathy is a journey and outcomes are never certain! Continue reading on UX Collective »

UI designers, do you need to shift focus in 2021?

Various stimuli made me think about the topic of staying relevant lately.Glasses by Xinh Studio and Binoculars by Tom Ingebretsen, from the Noun Project.The key contributor, I think, is the constant reminder of how highly valued a glossy surface is. A slick and modern UI will get the votes in 2020 (..

Cloudinary Tricks for Video

Creating video is time consuming. A well-made 5-minute video can take hours to plan, record, and edit — and that’s before we start talking about making that video consistent with all the other videos on your site. When we took on the Jamstack Explorers project (a video-driven educational resource f..

The Rules of Margin Collapse

Josh Comeau covers the concept of margin collapsing: This idea might sound simple, but if you’ve been writing CSS for a while, you’ve almost certainly been surprised when margins either don’t collapse, or they collapse in weird and unexpected ways. In real-world projects, all kinds of circumstances..

Designers: stay psychologically flexible

3 Scenarios for how UX applies psychological flexibility to its practice. Continue reading on UX Collective »

What to do with the 100-item product backlog

Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on UnsplashIt isn’t uncommon to have a lot of ideas on a product backlog. Ideas flow in from executives, customers, sales, support, and just about everyone. It is common to hear that a good Product Manager is one who knows how to say “no”. I would take it a step further and..

My decade in review (2011–2020)

A journey from a third-year Computer Science student to a designer at Google. The highs, the lows, and everything in between.Some folks started counting it as a new decade at the start of 2020, and I mostly agree with them. Let’s just say I procrastinated to write about the events of ten years by a ..

2021: The year to recalibrate personas

2021: The year to recalibrate PersonasPhoto by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash2020 has been, without question, a year of disruption, uncertainty, and unknown territories; with a pandemic that shifted routines and daily lives came a flux in consumption habits, expenditure, and how we spend time. Countries b..

Deadly biases every designer needs to live with

Photo by Derick McKinney on UnsplashThere are two types of biases — Preferential: From liking one option over others. Dispositional: From one’s inherent qualities of mind and character. As a designer, I have a preferential bias toward neutral colours and a dispositional bias toward organised and str..

The missing persona you need for written presentations

Target your stakeholder’s data needs even if you’re not presenting Continue reading on UX Collective »