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More psychological principles for product designers

Source: Kristina Ooo on DribbbleIn our eternal search for more psychological rudiments to keep in mind while designing your products, we came across these few golden rules that can help you on your way to designing a meaningful product. Check them out: (Also, check out the first part of this piece, ..

Product manager moves: The art of the servant CEO

Popular advice encourages PMs to lead like a CEO. It’s more important to be a servant leader.Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from PexelsThe Product Manager as CEO — what is it?The premise of the Product Manager as CEO boils down to this: the PM must hold themselves responsible for all parts of the ..

The needs of the many

It is time for the law to protect its digital citizens Continue reading on UX Collective »

Defining a diversity and inclusion messaging strategy

A definitive guide to get your tone in writing right — right now Continue reading on UX Collective »

Sagrada Familia: The divine creative freedom of architect Antoni Gaudí

A celebration of science and spirit. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Do you need a Chief of Feedback?

Feedback is the spark of improvement and renewal. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Design as brand storyteller: Three ways design drives brand stories

Design does more than look good. In the right hands, it can tell the story of the brand like no linear narrative can.image: Photo by Raphael Schaller on Unsplash“Storytelling” is one of those words. In marketing circles, it gets hauled out whenever someone wants to make what they’re doing sound more..

A portfolio is about your craft, not your projects.

Focus your portfolio on showing your craft, your polish, and how much you care about your work. When you get to the interview, you’ll have plenty of time to walk them through your case studies from top to bottom. — 100 design lessons for 2021 A portfolio is about your craft, not your projects. was o..

Finding yourself as a designer

How I found myself and my design style Continue reading on UX Collective »

Emotionally responsive web design

We already have screen size (viewport) responsive design. Now it’s time to get excited about emotionally reactive design. Continue reading on UX Collective »