‘Get a job in UX’ promises are a scam.

No bootcamps or formulas can guarantee what companies will be looking for or how the market will behave. — 100 design lessons for 2021 ‘Get a job in UX’ promises are a scam. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and respondi..

How to build a solid portfolio system in the age of design trends

The challenge of having a defined identity in the design industry today Continue reading on UX Collective »

5 reasons why you SHOULD NOT have business logic in your UI layers (Angular/WPF)...

What opportunities are you ignoring by building thick UI clients, heavy on business logic, especially for internal products? Continue reading on UX Collective »

Empathize with your salesperson

Businesses should relook at sales strategy and indices if they want to design a great customer buying experience because customers are no more relying on sales to know about your product /services.https://www.passionateinmarketing.com/one-fifth-vehicle-buyers-in-india-dissatisfied-with-purchase-proc..

Our job description is changing, and that’s ok.

“The role of designers is changing, there is no doubt. It will become more about their ability to define the problem to solve; how should they solve it; consider the broad implications on society, people, and the environment; and to learn how to control the machines with their words.” — Ruth Kikin-G..

UX and Human Factors: How to use psychology to empower the user

Co-Authors: Cat Hodges and Kay Stanney Human Factors within User Experience DesignUser Experience (UX) is an extensive interdisciplinary field that encompasses many aspects of design and engineering. When you hear the term “UX,” you may relate it only to applications and software, but it’s actually ..

How to manage stakeholders in your project

Who are the stakeholders and how to manage the collaboration with them? Continue reading on UX Collective »

UX professionals, the fight against systemic racial injustice can’t just stop at “diverse” hiring

The hard truth is that the reason why it doesn’t feel like it is enough is because it will never be enough. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Unknown unknowns: Targeted learning for a new product manager

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on UnsplashS o you’re a new Product Manager at a company. You’re excited about the opportunity but you’ve just received the third customer request this month for changes to form functionality that was released six months ago. The form was kept purposefully simple so that it co..

Observed tensions in the user experience design field progression

Observed tensions in the user experience career progressionI’ve met user experience designers that are happy doing what they love with a strong sense of mission to change the world. I've also seen many of us going through an existential identity crisis with comparable intensity due to the vague..