Android: 12 years of design history

Nowadays Android is installed on about 2.5 billion active devices. How did it begin? Let’s test it and figure it out. Continue reading on UX Collective »

To add is expected, to subtract is design

A couple years ago I wrote about how healthcare should take customer experience guru Dan Gingiss’s advice: do simple better. Now new research illustrates why this is so hard: when it comes to trying to make improvements, people would rather add than subtract. That, in a nutshell, may help explain wh..

How Netflix’s binary rating system is hurting our documentaries

The good, the bad, and nothing else. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Should I be using NPS to measure customer loyalty in SaaS?

Focus on what you can do for the customer, not what the customer can do for you. Continue reading on UX Collective »

When capitalism gives you blisters

Where shareholders are users, the corporation a product: a brief tale of the education of a corporate designer. Continue reading on UX Collective »