How digital machines can learn analogical thinking

The human cognitive power that AI lacks Continue reading on UX Collective »

The assumption of empathy: Are all designers psychotherapists now?

Empathy, empathy, empathy. It’s a term lavishly tossed about like salt at a fast-food restaurant. As designers, we have become inured to the threadbare pervasiveness that has stripped it of its essential worth. We take its meaning for granted.Munch, Edvard. “Attraction II.” 1895. Original from The A..

Keyword foraging: the key to better search tools

How this new term can help us understand the way people discover things online Continue reading on UX Collective »

Top vs side navigation: Which one is better for your product?

Today we compare them to see who will pack more punches.What does the research say?When choosing a navigation layout for your app usually you will need to define the position of primary, secondary, and tertiary navigation hierarchy. A research study “A comparison of three-level menu navigation struc..

Individual contributor designers are cross-functional leaders

Interview with Madhavi Jagdish about her career path from leading a team to leading with craftLeading with Craftis a limited series of articles where we shed a light on stories of designers with successful careers as individual contributors. Curating and publishing hundreds of articles every month a..

What we learned from using a North Star

Evolving organisational priorities into measurable and trackable outcomes using a North Star Framework Continue reading on UX Collective »

Is Apple capable of designing a usable mouse?

Remembering Jobs’ relentless approach to product design, and how a sufficient mouse design never came to be Continue reading on UX Collective »

Do you need a Chief of Feedback?

Feedback is the spark of improvement and renewal. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Process-centered design — the key to business applications

If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing . Continue reading on UX Collective »

The untouched past of content

Content audits and their value.Image from UnsplashWe all have been deep-diving into various Excel spreadsheets in our lives. Whether in school, in our professional career, or even for personal matters. While it’s fair to say they might be anything but exciting, they can play a crucial part in Conten..