Product manager moves: How to build trust with your design team

Starting from a place of inquiry, curiosity, humility.Photo by Tranmautritam from PexelsThe “Everyone’s a Photographer” ProblemAs Product Managers, there’s a fine line between being the “CEO of the product” and getting into the pixels of a design. We write user stories that define the needs the user..

The art of visualising music: A brief history of graphic notation

Design and music intersect in many areas; fashion, art, filmmaking and set design, yet one relatively obscure but staggeringly creative area is in the design of graphic notation used by composers. Graphic notation is one side that is relatively unknown outside the sometimes rarefied world of orchest..

An ultimate guide to selecting the perfect artboard size for desktop

Read how can you improve your productivity by selecting perfect Artboard size for your next Web UI Design without worrying about… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Portugal by Sebastião Rodrigues’ pencil

A journey that merges with the country’s history© Tamanna RumeeThe recent history of design in Portugal in general and graphic design, in particular, is certainly still to be written. In other words, it is a story that is written every day, thanks to the work, often in difficult contexts, of thousan..

Ink traps and pals

Recently I’ve seen this tweet from Yves Peters asking how to call these spikes which I replied briefly (spoiler: it’s a light trap!). I had a lot more to explore on the topic, so I decided to write not just about light traps, but similar concepts and shapes too. There are days in life of typeface de..

How to balance user-centered design with business goals

Don’t give in to the pressure for using dark patterns Continue reading on UX Collective »

Design for the real people, not for the users

How to create better realistic use case scenarios by asking the question of “how” instead of “why”Image source and all credits: an active practitioner of many design methodologies, while trying to understand why people behave in a particular way, over the years, I c..

How much research does your project need?

A framework for successful stakeholder engagement Continue reading on UX Collective »

NFT for designers, Google’s UX degree, Figma accessibility kit

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique and distinct bitcoin assets. While one Bitcoin is identical to and interchangeable with another, each NFT is unique, with distinguishing metadata and identification codes. NFTs are certificates of a..

Prince Philip: Celebrating a surprising tech legacy

As we bid farewell to the Duke of Edinburgh, I pay homage to his love of technology & innovation, exploring some tech-based schemes linked with the legendary DofE Award.With an incredibly heavy heart, the world recently said goodbye to HRH Prince Philip, the Queen’s beloved husband and “strength and..