How does Virtual Reality affect our society, emotionally and ethically?

The risk of users suffering psychological trauma will steadily increase as VR advances. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The reframing of architectural practice

Architects love stories about an architect that’s found success in another profession by utilising their architectural skills. We rarely hear stories about how architect’s have used their architectural assets and skills in order to deliver better practice, better leadership or better culture. It’s t..

Why designers should embrace small wins

How Sisyphos learned to love his tedious job.Once upon a time in ancient Greece lived a seasoned VP of product named Sisyphos. Before becoming VP on the client-side, Sisyphos was an accomplished creative director working for a renowned ad agency, where he was celebrated for his wit and creativity. U..

Are we doomed to live in taste bubbles of our own making?

The importance of taste-breakers in UX.Image by author.The monotonous bubbleI must admit, the way in which Spotify personalises playlists never ceases to delight me. Having my new Discover Weekly playlist waiting every Monday morning is like a little gift when I need it most. Recently I noticed anot..

Design your productivity: A procrastinator’s survival guide

Is there a better pair out there than Motivation & Self Discipline? Well, there is a more romantic one for sure: Motivation &… Continue reading on UX Collective »

The UX of deadnaming

What happens when systems don’t know the difference between a legal name and a chosen name (and how can designers care about trans people) Continue reading on UX Collective »

The future of (online) shopping

Getty ImagesYou and I have shopped online a ton during the coronavirus pandemic, and some of those habits will stick. At the same time, new technologies are continuously being developed to give us, consumers, a better online shopping experience (and us, designers, more tools to explore), and it is t..

Finding a technical cofounder

Coding skills aren’t as important as you think Continue reading on UX Collective »

Minari and my first font

The font I designed as a student is being used to publicise one of the biggest movies of the year. Did they have to use that font though?Six Oscar nominations for the Minari movie on the back of all those other awards. And you used that font! You people. Bit embarrassing really. I like this industry..

How to kick-off Discovery Sprints, reframe a problem and align your team

Empower Agile teams to build the right thing.In my job as Product & Service Designer at the experience agency Accenture Interactive, I'm working on new product and service innovations for our clients. In some projects I can dedicate several weeks for user research, iterating on a value proposit..