How to write inclusive, accessible digital products

Good UX writing invites everyone to use the interface.There’s one piece of writing advice I give to everyone: Read your writing out loud. Yes, out loud. Not out loud in your head. Out loud out loud. Move your mouth. Make sound. Listen to your sentences. It’s a simple technique, but it works. Listeni..

Where UX writing and content strategy meet

Every digital communications expert should excel at 3 skills to navigate changing roles. It only takes a little adapting to make the most of them in each scenario.After five and a half years in a Senior UX Writing role, I moved to a content strategy position within the same E-business area. My daily..

Type traps, design maxims, new Figma, UI tips collection

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.“One of the fundamental forces behind my journey is the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other designers. Building relationships is a crucial part of what we do. I’ve always been a people person myself. That’s just part of my na..

The 1984 Apple Macintosh — How does it look today?

Nowadays everybody knows MacBook or iMac. But when the first “Mac” was released, and what did it look like? Let’s test it and figure it… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Space to move

The relationship between dance, design, and space.Herzog & de Meuron — Laban Dance Centre Interior/Studio. Photo by Jim Stephenson.Written by Craig Berry and Kirsten Oelofse Designer & Writer | Dancer, Choreographer & Creative What does it mean to have a building designed specifically for dance? You..

From T-shaped to π-shaped designer

The role of designers is changing and new approaches are needed to foster a mindset that can support them to become more impact-focused and a key strategic partner. How can DesignOps help driving Designers’ transformation to maximise results and influence?Design has gone a long way in the past 10 ye..

What does “after UX” even mean?

How viral “top of the iceberg” advice could do more harm than good.Teisanu Tudor shared a riveting account of how they pretended to be an instagram UX influencer a few months back. From their experience, it seems that unfortunately, lots of popular content positions UX as this “happy, easy, 10-step-..

Is your team a spender or a rainmaker within your org?

The critical difference in how companies view “spenders” versus “rainmakers” Continue reading on UX Collective »

How taxonomies in the physical world can inform design decisions

Taxonomy, as it relates to user experience and information architecture, refers to the structural methods for how information is sorted, classified and organized. “To effectively arrange anything, we have to choose methods for organizing and classifying content in ways that convey the intended infor..

Bringing self-compassion into product management

Encouragement to shift your perception of what ‘high performing’ looks like Continue reading on UX Collective »