How to funnel user feedback into problem statements

When feedback comes from every direction.Problem statements. A magical concept in theory. A simple, concise, unbiased statement that allows for laser focus and cutting through the noise with pinpoint solutions…. In theory. But if you have ever worked in a squad or across multiple squads you might ha..

A year of mentoring

Some words for young designers setting foot in the tech world.Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino2020 has been a heavy year. It put so much weight on every individual in the design community. Early in March, I’ve considered every work-from-day as if it was the last. I won’t lie about the anxiety of losi..

Reading television: The cognitive experience of closed-captioned TV

We watch TV with subtitles a lot these days. It’s like reading television.[rustling leaves] Continue reading on UX Collective »

Philosophical concepts to define problem statements and guide ideation

The Foreign Domestic Workers’ Sunday Gatherings in Hong Kong Continue reading on UX Collective »

Where do we go when we grow?

Leading with craft: A series about hands-on career paths in the design industry. Where do we go when we grow? was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

5 academic research papers every designer should read

Source: Kasia Bojanowska on DribbbleProduct design is now a mainstay in the working vocabularies of companies worldwide. We’d go so far as saying that it (product designs) may now be entering the portion of its lifespan where strategic maturity and academic thought are now taking up the centre stage..

Why insurance apps are not stress-resistant?

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to perform a task, but because of stress, you couldn’t succeed? Or maybe when you were in a meeting and had to search for something while being watched by dozens of people? Why is this happening to us?Photo by Lily Banse on UnsplashRecently I read a st..

How does Virtual Reality affect our society, emotionally and ethically?

The risk of users suffering psychological trauma will steadily increase as VR advances. Continue reading on UX Collective »

When designing with constraints, get your priorities straight

Photo by Nathan Anderson on UnsplashMy favorite thing about UX design is that it’s not some open-ended creative exercise performed in a vacuum. It’s a mechanical dance: the synchronized push-pull tension of time, constraints, budget, technical limits, and opportunities. A lot of what we study in des..

Fixing user personas

User personas can be problematic. Is there a way to turn them into a useful resource?User personas are controversial. They’re built with great intentions, and then break down. People aren’t sure how to create them. They sit in drawers and hang on the wall, forgotten or ignored. But personas can be v..