How to build tech that does things differently

Data ethics principles and processes are useful, but they are often of limited use when it comes to addressing the social and environmental harms of the data economy. This post is about using creative R&D to build data technologies that embed a different set of values from the ground up, balancing e..

Whys in design thinking

A fully understood problem is only as good as the designers interpreting it.Photo by Karsten Winegeart on UnsplashUser experience design is highly dynamic, echoing uncertainty and value conflict in the problematic experiences in which we designers engage in. Our design inquiries are often through li..

UX Trends 2020: A retrospective

The best UX trends speed up interactions, improve usability, and reduce friction. 2020 has reinforced some trends from the previous year, including AI-assisted voice interactions, hyper-personalization, and hand-drawn content; and produced a handful of new UX trends that will endure through the comi..

Isolated spaces

Discovering remote and off-the-grid architectural gems.Written by Craig Berry Designer & Writer AFGH – Lake Rotsee Refuge (2012) Photograph byThroughout 2020 and 2021 we have been, and still are, inside our homes more than ever in an attempt to avoid physical contact, social interaction and virus sp..

Bringing self-compassion into product management

Encouragement to shift your perception of what ‘high performing’ looks like Continue reading on UX Collective »

Using treemaps to understand hierarchical data

How to make sense of a complex visualization technique Continue reading on UX Collective »

What are your design maxims?

A few things I have learned along the way about design and business that have stood the test of time.My design career — if I can call it that — has now spanned multiple decades. The first thing I created that I would consider a proper design was a seven-inch record for a friend’s band sometime in th..

The UI & UX tips collection — Volume two

A collection of 18 tips to help improve your designs. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Accessibility for the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in video games

Getting the industry to listen.Chris (DeafgamersTV) Robinson at a Microsoft Conference in Seattle, WA.My last article looked at accessibility from an industry perspective with interviews from accessibility specialists working in the gaming industry. This included talking to Ian Hamilton who is co-di..

What makes a service succeed or fail? Expectations

Young synchronized skaters competing in Greece circa 2016. Creative Commons.An elderly woman interviewed on the recently-added Netflix documentary “Perfect,” said something to the effect: Audiences have higher expectations of younger dancers. Cut to a clip of older dancers struggling to stay in a st..