Ideas for Dealing with Terrible Clients in Your Design Practice

The prospect of winning a new client is something that leaves us all a little excited. Yet, the more clients we bring on, the more we realize that there are great clients and there are clients with whom every interaction sucks our will to live. Signing the former is a great shot in the arm and leaves us enthusiastic and signing the latter usually turns out to be far more effort than it is worth.So how do we protect ourselves against terrible clients and moreover how do we deal with them if we do make the mistake of signing on the dotted line with them?You Have to Be Upfront From the Word GoMost clients, including the good ones, tend to send vague request for proposals or information when the...

Are workshops ruining the UX design world?

Photo by Bonneval Sebastien via UnsplashOver the last couple of years, design thinking, design sprints, and the workshops that go with both have become increasingly popular in UX design processes. I for one have made workshop facilitation a primary function in my process. There are a lot of articles..

How do I measure the impact of my design?

For the past years, the way we measure Design has evolved. Previously, the measuring stick we use is how visually appealing it was, how… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Debugging iOS Safari

How do I debug Safari on iOS? These are my general steps, starting with not even using iOS Safari. 1. Is this just a small-screen problem? Lemme just use the device mode in Chrome quick. Note that this does a smidge more than just display your site in a smaller area: it sends the correct User Ag..

Weekly News for Designers № 618

Showcode – Create beautifully-styled code snippets, then export them as an image with this handy tool. Bootstrap Icons – A free, open-source library of 1,500+ icons to use in your projects (Bootstrap or otherwise). 10 Free WordPress Plugins for Extending BuddyPress and bbPress – Turn your WordPres..

Why is it so hard to break into UX?

Strategies to help you land your dream job. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Getting Started With Inclusive Web Design

A key part of designing successful websites for clients is making sure that as many end-users as possible can access and enjoy that site. So, what if you discovered that around 1 billion people couldn’t enjoy your designs? Even if those people manage to click on a link and visit the website that yo..

Design like Elon Musk using 6 fundamental principles

How Musk’s companies are able to beat existing industry giants using 6 fundamental design principles. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The best design conversations won’t be televised.

When a designer shares their career trajectory publicly, it’s been curated. When they speak about “what it’s like to work at Google”, that story has been vetted by Google’s PR team. When they post something on Linkedin, they focus only on what will make them look good. When there’s an audience, ther..

Weekly News for Designers № 611

Welcome to the W3C design system – A look at how the W3C’s design system is structured. You can even download templates for use in your own projects. How to Work With Both Good & Bad Design Clients – How to determine which clients are worth the trouble and which ones you should just skip over. CSS..