A few other things for your accessibility checklist

7 essential accessibility sticking points you might have overlooked in your applications.There are loads of requirements in order to fully comply with accessibility by WCAG standards. While you might be familiar with the usual accessibility checklist, today I will break down other things in the acce..

Experimental product design — prototyping with live data

Experimental product design — prototyping with live dataExperimental product design techniques deployed rigorously during the design process are crucial for optimizing user experiences. Instead of converging on a single solution and implementing it in the final phase, experimentation enables product..

Finding and Using Your Own Design Voice

Your design voice – or design style, if you will – is how you choose to relay information to your audience. That sounds simple, but for the uninitiated, it can be incredibly confusing. I have a confession to make: when I started writing this article, I was stumped at how to best phrase my main idea..

Front of the Front / Back of the Front

People really latched onto Brad’s framing. And for good reason. Front-end development has gotten so wide scoping that there are specialists inside of it. Two years ago, I cut it down the middle and now Brad is putting a point on that here, saying he has actual clients who have shifted their hiring s..

Generating and sharing dynamic images on the web

The Sharing: Part 1.This is Part 1 of a series of posts about generating and sharing dynamic images on the web. Check out Part 2 and Part 3. I’m currently working on several client projects which generate dynamic images based on a user’s investment into a web campaign and then encourages them to sha..

How to drive product focus with the right mission & vision

Mission and vision are two critical aspects startups gloss over Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designing around bad actors and dangerous actions

Designers should anticipate possible ways a product could be used inappropriately or by the wrong people and try to prevent such misuse. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to Create a Shrinking Header on Scroll Without JavaScript

Imagine a header of a website that is nice and thick, with plenty of padding on top and bottom of the content. As you scroll down, it shrinks up on itself, reducing some of that padding, making more screen real estate for other content. Normally you would have to use some JavaScript to add a shrink..

Maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021

Malte Ubl’s list for: 8 image loading optimization techniques to minimize both the bandwidth used for loading images on the web and the CPU usage for image display. Fluid width images in CSS, not forgetting the height and width attributes in HTML so you get proper aspect-ratio on first render.Use ..