
How to use Design Thinking in Business

Design thinking has received a great deal of attention over the last decade, and organisations in all sectors of the economy are seeing the value in design thinking, especially in the rise of complex systems and technology. But what is it, and how do businesses use design thinking in their digital t..
ux-Usability Testing-Carco

What is Usability Testing?

Since the early 90s, the terms ‘Usability’ and ‘User Experience (UX)’ have been talked about non-stop in the world of design, and are often referred to as ‘must-haves’ in the design process for products and services on multiple platforms. Where this couldn’t be more true, it’s hard to overstate the ..

How to Survive Organizational Changes in Your Company with Organizational Prototyping

From website design to apps, prototyping is quickly becoming an integral part of the design thinking process for in-house teams and agencies alike. A case in point is the dramatic shift towards an “all-virtual-everything” approach in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus, which has seen a gro..

Interview with Karolin Kaplan, Product Designer at Pipedrive

In this post, we chat to Karolin Kaplan, Product Designer at Pipedrive about her journey into design, tools in her design workflow and tips to include developers into your projects. Introduce yourself - who are you and what are you doing now? I’m Karolin Kaplan, a product designer at Pipedrive, I lo..

UX Design Best Practices for Improving SEO Rankings

User Experience (UX) is vital for a successful SEO strategy. Yet all too many design teams remain unaware of this fact. This is not an inconsequential mistake. Failing to unite UX with SEO will cost your business engagement and rankings. More than ever, algorithms are prioritizing user experience. ..

Meet Rich Crossley, Customer Experience Manager at Marvel

Welcome to a new series of interviews that introduce the different roles and people who work at Marvel. In this post, we talk to Rich Crossley, a Customer Experience (CX) Manager at Marvel and find out what it means to be customer-centric. Can you introduce yourself and let everyone know what your ..

Q&A with Jocelyn Perron, Head of Design and Research at Wistia

Welcome to Designer Interviews, a new series of monthly conversations. We'll be featuring incredible designers whose work has inspired us, and who we'd love to shine a light on to maybe inspire you too. This interview series focuses on designers from traditionally underrepresented groups i..

UX Principles: Back to Basics

"UX design is the process of developing and improving the quality of interaction between a user and all aspects of a company. It's about products that are useful, easy to use, and engaging. UX design focuses on the overall feel of the experience and is not about visuals alone." Jason Kalathas, ..

Why we switched from Diversity and Inclusion to Balance and Belonging

At Marvel our company mission is to: “Create the all-in-one platform that democratises the design process, making it more productive, inclusive and fun.” We believe the future of design is making it more inclusive. Especially when products serve a global audience, getting the right voices involved i..

Responsible, Conditional Loading

Over on the Polypane blog (there’s no byline but presumably it’s Kilian Valkhof (it is)), there is a great article, Creating websites with prefers-reduced-data, about the prefers-reduced-data media query. No browser support yet, but eventually you can use it in CSS to make choices that reduce data u..