Ideas for Dealing with Terrible Clients in Your Design Practice

The prospect of winning a new client is something that leaves us all a little excited. Yet, the more clients we bring on, the more we realize that there are great clients and there are clients with whom every interaction sucks our will to live. Signing the former is a great shot in the arm and leaves us enthusiastic and signing the latter usually turns out to be far more effort than it is worth.So how do we protect ourselves against terrible clients and moreover how do we deal with them if we do make the mistake of signing on the dotted line with them?You Have to Be Upfront From the Word GoMost clients, including the good ones, tend to send vague request for proposals or information when the...

What is Ideation – and How to Prepare for Ideation Sessions

Ideation is the process where you generate ideas and solutions through sessions such as Sketching, Prototyping, Brainstorming, Brainwriting, Worst Possible Idea, and a wealth of other ideation techniques. Ideation is also the third stage in the Design Thinking process. Although many people might have experienced a “brainstorming” session before, it is not easy to facilitate a truly fruitful ideation session. In this article, we’ll teach you some processes and guidelines which will help you facilitate and prepare for productive, effective, innovative and fun ideation sessions. Ideation is often the most exciting stage in a Design Thinking project, because during Ideation, the aim is to gener...

Conducting Ethical User Research

In any type of research that involves human participants, it’s important to consider the ethics of the research project. That is also the case when you do user research. You are responsible for your participants’ wellbeing, for representing them honestly, and for keeping their personal information safe. That is a big responsibility, so it’s important to know what to consider when you plan to do user research so as to keep your project ethically sound. Here, we will show you some of the most important rules for doing ethical user research so that you can ensure that your own research is indeed ethically sound. Unlike academic research, where an ethics committee must approve research involvin...

Stop Yourself from Becoming Content Fried and Free Your Mind to be Productive

Content fried is the point we reach when we subject ourselves to too much data. It commonly affects content curators but it can affect any of us. The “always on” Internet may be a blessing much of the time but it can also be a curse. The term “content fried” was defined Beth Kanter, who is a trainer, researcher, speaker and motivator. Content fried is when we’re subject to too much data. Beth Kanter coined the term and I do have the symptoms! How Do I Know If I’m Content Fried?Well firstly, you might want to consider if any of the obvious symptoms apply to you: Are you online all the time? Is your smartphone in your hand when you’re not in front of your computer? When you go offline...

7 UX Principles to Apply to Your SEO

User experience is one of the most important aspects of web design, but many experts overlook that UX doesn’t just apply to web pages. User experience as a concept encompasses all aspects of end-user interaction with a company. That means you need to discover the right UX strategies for everything ..

Our 50 Favorite CSS Libraries, Frameworks and Tools from 2020

With all of the changes and rapid advancements CSS has gone through over the last few years, we should not be surprised at the vast volume of open-source resources and tools that are continually being released. These time-saving CSS libraries, frameworks, and tools have been built to make our lives..

What Happened to the Great Plans For Your Design Career?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. You tell yourself you’re going to turn over a new leaf and start a new habit that will help you elevate your career as a designer somehow. Maybe you want to start doing more interesting personal projects, or refining your marketing tactics to reach out to more and b..

6 Important Aspects of Well-Performing Mobile Product Page Breadcrumbs

(Note: Unfortunately, e-mail and RSS don’t support advanced layouts and features. If the graphics in this article look strange, you may want to read the article in your web browser.) During our large-scale usability testing, breadcrumbs performed a lot of heavy lifting on mobile sites, for two reasons in particular: Mobile users’ current location in the site hierarchy is much less evident due to the main navigation typically being hidden Navigating via the main navigation menu on mobile often requires more effort compared to desktop, where the main navigation is permanently visible, and users can typically access categories — and even subcategories if hover navigation is offered — with a single click. Yet our newest mobile benchmark reveals that, of mobile sites that even have breadcrumbs, 36% fail to include the full category hierarchy in the breadcrumbs on mobile product pages. This is important because our large-scale mobile usability testing reveals that this omission results ..

2020 Web Design Year in Review

A year “like no other” is about to come to a close. 2020 was certainly unique for everyone – web designers included. And it challenged us on several levels. Our daily grind was complicated by shutdowns, kids invading the home office, and clients who needed our help in rapidly changing their busines..

Weekly News for Designers № 571

How to Help Your Clients with Website Content Strategy – How to get the processes of creating and organizing content moving in the right direction. Devbook – A new kind of search engine made just for developers. What Makes CSS Hard To Master – Thoughts on what frustrates some developers about CSS...