Mobile UX: Avoid Using Subpages within the Product Details Page (26% Don’t)

(Note: Unfortunately, e-mail and RSS don’t support advanced layouts and features. If the graphics in this article look strange, you may want to read the article in your web browser.) The amount of content available on a typical mobile product page makes maintaining an overview and sense of orientation difficult for many users. During our large-scale mobile usability testing, in an attempt to mitigate this issue, some sites placed some of the product page content on subpages. However, on sites that used “subpages” for some product page information, a subset of users during testing were unable to find this information, while others who found the information had trouble retaining a sense of orientation or navigating back to the product page “main page”. Yet our newest mobile benchmark reveals that 26% of mobile sites use subpages for some of their product page content. If users fail to find critical information on the product page some will abandon, thinking, sometimes wrongly, the p..

Always Use Thumbnails to Represent Additional Product Images (76% of Mobile Sites Don’t)

(Note: Unfortunately, e-mail and RSS don’t support advanced layouts and features. If the graphics in this article look strange, you may want to read the article in your web browser.) On product pages, product images are tremendously important in users’ product-evaluation experience, providing critical visual information about key product details. Yet in order to be most valuable, users have to know how to find additional images and what important product attributes they depict. During Baymard’s large-scale usability testing across both desktop and mobile, we observed that using only dot indicators or text to represent the existence of additional product images within the main image gallery caused some users to miss the very product images they were looking for, while others had difficulty interacting with the indicator dots. While 100% of desktop benchmark sites use thumbnails for optimal visibility, only 24% of mobile sites do so. Interestingly, our desktop and mobile UX benchmar..

Let’s End the Year on a High: Get 25% off UX Courses for the...

The end of 2020, for many of us, will be bittersweet. A year to forget, and yet, a time to hope for a brighter 2021. You might reflect upon the past 12 months with a sense of awe – juggling work from home and work at home. You might think ahead about your goals for the upcoming year. Or perhaps you’re excited and have elaborate plans to celebrate the new year! Whatever your state of being currently is, remember to treat yourself as the year comes to a close. Secure some time for relaxation. You deserve it. And ensure you have everything set up to help you become the best version of yourself as you move into a brand new year. One way to treat yourself is with an early New Year present:...

8 Ways for Bringing Creativity to Hyperlinks with CSS & JavaScript

Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, the venerable hyperlink has been a crucial feature. Remember the amazement when you found out that a single click could take you anywhere in the world? OK, maybe that gee-whiz moment has passed. But links are still as important as ever. And they’re somethi..

5 Ways to Provide a Superior Gifting UI and Flow

(Note: Unfortunately, e-mail and RSS don’t support advanced layouts and features. If the graphics in this article look strange, you may want to read the article in your web browser.) Even though users spend a majority of their time shopping for themselves on e-commerce sites, when the occasion arises that they do decide to shop for others — such as during the holiday-shopping season from roughly October through the end of December — many users will want to go the extra mile to make their gift feel special. This could be as simple as including a custom message to the intended recipient, having the designated product gift wrapped, or even going so far as to have their orders placed inside a special gift box. Unfortunately, as gifting options vary widely from site to site, we observe in usability testing that users looking to place an order as a gift must assess each site they visit for the availability and cost of gifting options. Moreover, even when gift options are available, 66% o..

How a Culinary Technique Could Make You a Better Freelancer

I’m going to tell you the story of two cooks: David and Jenny. Both are equally talented in the kitchen, and both are about to prepare a 6-course meal for a table full of rowdy dinner guests. They’re hungry and they’re hungry now. David gets his pots and pans out, pulls what he needs from the fridg..

Freelance Situations You Need to Fix Right Away

As a freelance web designer, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of clients. And it’s likely that some of them will want to enter into different types of working arrangements. One common example is billing. You may run into a client that prefers to pay a flat monthly fee rather ..

Weekly News for Designers № 570

Why it’s good for users that HTML, CSS and JS are separate languages – Separating structure, styles and interactivity isn’t so bad, after all. Viral – A free typeface that bills itself as a “recipe for quarantining in 2020”. Download it, if you’re into that sort of thing. Atkinson Hyperlegible – T..

25 Fantastic Adobe Illustrator Text Effects Tutorials

Great typography can elevate any project and make it look more polished. But when you take text and apply creative and unique text effects, you create a completely different work of art. In this roundup, we’ve gathered the best Adobe Illustrator tutorials for designing highly creative text effects...

15 Best Free Disney Fonts You Should Have in Your Collection

Disney is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Whether it’s through their animated features, theme parks, Marvel movies, Star Wars films or their many video games, Disney is known to everyone around the globe. Their presence has had a viable and undeniable impact around the world, and m..