Flow Design Processes – Focusing on the Users’ Needs

It can be really tempting to start a design project by leaping into the deep end and starting to sketch out pages and work on the information architecture of...

10+ Tips: How to Design High-Converting Landing Pages

Landing pages are a valuable marketing asset that can be used to promote your services, products, webinars, lead magnets, and more. They can help you grow your email list...

Utilizing Micro-interactions to Enhance Your UX Design

Designing, creating, and managing an online platform is no easy task, much less so in the ever-changing digital scape. Continuously improving UX designs that satisfy the needs and desires...

Effective Use of Negative Space in Web Design

A lot of designers make a big mistake by creating overly complex, busy, and colorful web pages. If it’s not intentional, you should avoid creating complex interfaces and use...

10 things I wish I knew before my first corporate UX design job

Almost two years ago I sat down in front of a computer screen, in an open office space, waiting. I was nervous, eager to start and terrified. This is what I wish I had known before sitting down in that chair. The first 5 could be applied to most jobs and, the next 5 are specific to UX Design. I started my first job in the corporate world without knowing too much about their plans, vision or past, and whether I could be a good fit. I was simply too excited about being hired right after graduation, (finally earning good money ) to take a step back.

What is a heuristic evaluation In UX

In this article we’ll be taking at look at what exactly UX designer’s mean by the term “heuristic evaluation”, how to conduct a heuristic evaluation for yourself, what to do if you can’t afford a usability expert, and the difference between a heuristic evaluation and user testing. You can tap on any of the links below to jump to the respective section. So, let’s get started!

A New Framework for UX Heuristics

Earlier this week I had a check in with a UX Designer I had a hand in training before we hired her at the Studio. Being a new transfer into the field, she likes to check with me when she faces a challenge for the first time. Deb Zell recently asked her to do some heuristic reporting on several inbound projects. The question that came up in our meeting was essentially “how do I report on this in a way that moves us forward?” — and I had to admit the existing structures were creating a lot of noise without a clear signal.

Understanding Your Audience Through Empathy and Research – UX Design Competency #3

Whether you're designing an entirely new experience or refreshing an existing product, see how research and user empathy are crucial for great UX. The post Understanding Your Audience Through Empathy and Research – UX Design Competency #3 appeared first on Design.org.

Driving More Conversions with Conversational Designs

At times, it seems like eCommerce is a never ending search for conversions; for a strategy that leads to sale after sale. But, as you’ve undoubtedly realized by now, that’s sadly not possible. Sure, you can do something here and something there that will help you out—to a certain extent—but nothing..

How Not to Design a Product Like Everyone Else’s

Why all the products on the market look the same? Have you ever been searching for a product that could solve your needs but could not choose one because all somehow look the same? Or it becomes harder for you to choose between 2 services because they offer the same features? The only thing that di..