10 Type Rules for an Excellent User Experience

You're reading 10 Type Rules for an Excellent User Experience, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! When it comes to websites and apps, good typography is more than just a pretty …

Crafting a Successful Onboarding Experience for New Users

You're reading Crafting a Successful Onboarding Experience for New Users, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! The term onboarding comes from the HR department. It was originally used to refer to …

Designing Airbnb’s Website: An Interactive Mockup Exercise

You're reading Designing Airbnb’s Website: An Interactive Mockup Exercise, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! When you think of a good website design, what comes to mind? For me, it’s …

The Ultimate UX Design of: the Credit Card Payment Form

You're reading The Ultimate UX Design of: the Credit Card Payment Form, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! The Peak Point of eCommerce and SaaS – the Credit Card Payment Form If you’re …

Best Practices of Hotel Website UX Design

You're reading Best Practices of Hotel Website UX Design, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! User experience is an integral part of any website design and there is no doubt …

Design Vetting: A Process for Getting Actionable Feedback on Your Designs

You’ll get value from Design Vetting if you’re a: Designer working with a team or group of people. Designer working at a company who presents designs to clients or co-workers. Design manager or leader who needs a better design review process within your team. Designer who doesn’t have time and reso..

Why Content Strategy and UX Must Work Together

Content strategy has been superior in marketing departments for decades. However, the importance of content strategy in UX design has surfaced just a few years ago. The experts realized that you can’t impress with the design if the content is not impressive as well. I curated some important points w..

No Good, Very Bad UX Writing Mistakes

People do read on the Internet, despite popular dogma. Imagine a digital product with zero words — we’d all be asking, “What does this button do?” and “How the heck do I find what I’m looking for?” Ex: Facebook with no wordsYou could accidentally buy 10,000 pairs of old socks or delete an entire dat..

Designing Experiences To Improve Mental Health

Designing Experiences To Improve Mental HealthDesigning Experiences To Improve Mental Health Marli Mesibov 2018-10-12T14:00:30+02:002018-10-18T12:41:47+00:00Did you know that a simple search for “depression” on the iPhone App Store brings up 198 results? In the Android Play Store, it brings up 2..

Reasons Your Mobile App Retention Rate Might Be So Low

Reasons Your Mobile App Retention Rate Might Be So LowReasons Your Mobile App Retention Rate Might Be So Low Suzanne Scacca 2018-10-18T14:00:01+02:002018-10-18T12:41:47+00:00In business, there’s a lot of talk about generating customer loyalty and retaining the business of good customers. Mobile ..