Designers need an Awesome LinkedIn Profile – 7 Top Tips

Let’s face it, LinkedIn is important. It’s very important. LinkedIn is first public edifice of your career likely to be seen by would-be employers. It is used heavily by people who spend most of their day looking to fill design roles as it presents a credible account of your previous experience. It ..

Quarantining Complexity with Strategic UX Design and Development

The best software quarantines complexity, or shifts decision-making responsibility from users to the code. Use these UX design & development methods to do it. The post Quarantining Complexity with Strategic UX Design and Development appeared first on

3 UX Design Predictions for 2018

In 2017, we all learned that with great design power comes great responsibility. Here's a look ahead at the UI/UX design trends we expect to see in 2018. The post 3 UX Design Predictions for 2018 appeared first on

Winner of World’s Best UX Recruiter 2017 Announced

UXswitch is delighted to announce that David Sims has been awarded the title of World’s Best UX Recruiter 2017. David is Practice Lead (UX, UI, CX & Service Design, Digital Strategy & Transformation) at Salt in London, UK. At UXswitch we’re all about raising the standard of recruitment practice in ..

Avoid “Like” in Job Interviews

As a digital product design manager, I care what people are passionate about. Doing work you like is important. As an enabler of professional development at Zalando, I love to help designers build skills and rotate through jobs that give them joy, meaning and satisfaction. But as a hiring manager ..

Made Redundant as a UXer. What do I do now?

Oh poo, I’ve been made redundant! What do I do now? This was the challenge I faced and I know I’m not alone. I was the grateful recipient of my first ever redundancy package when I last starting asking myself this question, what do I do now? I am also blessed with an understanding wife, who wanted m..

The Four Types of UX Leadership spoke to Cory Lebson about his extraordinary experience of UX leadership. If you had asked me early on in my UX career where I was headed professionally, I likely would have told you that I aspired towards leadership. That is, leadership that occurred in the workplace and involved the m..

Using Twitter to Help you Find a Better UX Job spoke exclusively to Mike Joosse, Community Director at Designation LABS about how a good Twitter profile can set you apart from other designers and improve your chances of getting the job you want Introduction Near the end of the program at DESIGNATION, I give a very important piece of..

How the Daily UI Design Challenge Helped me to Become a Better Designer spoke exclusively to Zsolt Szilvai at UXstudio about doing the awesome and daunting 100 Day UI Challenge. — Is a design challenge a waste of time or is it really worth it? I started the daily design challenge because I wanted to do some visual exercises to polish my aesthetic skills an..

The Design Process for UXswitch’s T-Shirts

UXswitch commissioned senior Visual Designer Teresa Mira to design promotional T-Shirts for us. Her process is truly fascinating so we asked her to document it here for us. — I’m always curious about other designers’ processes so I thought this time I’d share a behind-the-scenes look at a little p..