8 Helpful Accessibility Links for January 2022

Every now and then, I find that I’ve accumulated a bunch of links about various things I find interesting. Accessibility is one of those things! Here’s a list of related links to other articles that I’ve been saving up and think are worth sharing. Myths about Web Accessibility — Alvaro Montoro cove..

A Practical Tip For Using Sass Default Parameters

Sass offers functions and mixins that accept parameters. You can use Sass default parameters, that is, parameters that have a value even if you don’t provide them when the function or mixin is called. Let’s focus on mixins here. Here’s the syntax of a mixin: @mixin foo($a, $b, $c) { // I can use..

Perusing the Digital Junk of a Web Designer

If you’re not sure how long you’ve been in the web design industry, take a look at your data. It says a lot about who you are and the things you’ve done. For someone who started in the mid-1990s, my data archive has volumes to say. From sloppily hand-coded HTML documents to complex (and still slopp..

Parcel CSS: A New CSS Parser, Transformer, and Minifier

Hot off the presses from Devon Govett, creator of Parcel, is Parcel CSS: A CSS parser, transformer, and minifier written in Rust. Nice. The CSS world could use a little processing shake up like this. I just wrote a few weeks ago: Ya know how esbuild has seriously shaken things up for the JavaScr..

Open Source & Sustainability

It’s a god-damned miracle to me that open source is as robust as it is in tech. Consider the options. You could have a job (or be entrepreneurial) with your coding skills and likely be paid quite well. Or, you could write code for free and have strangers yell at you every day at all hours. I like be..

How to Make a Pure CSS 3D Package Toggle

You know how you can get cardboard boxes that come totally flat? You fold ‘em up and tape ‘em to make them into a useful box. Then when it’s time to recycle them, you cut them back apart to flatten them. Recently, someone reached out to me about essentially this concept as a 3D animation and I thoug..

How I Saved My Design Agency & Tripled My Profits

There was a point at which I was very close to losing my business, and I didn’t realize how close. I wasn’t always a good planner, and I didn’t plan to start an agency. One day I was a freelance graphic designer, my job list grew, I hired some help, and suddenly I was managing a team. There isn’t ..

Netlify Identity, a Key Aspect to Jamstack Development

(This is a sponsored post.) Netlify is amazing at static file hosting, but it’s really so much more than that. You can build any sort of website, even highly dynamic apps, with the Jamstack approach and static file hosting at the core. Say you want to build a TODO app with users. Those users will..

Are Low-Cost WordPress Projects Worth Your Time?

If you’re a freelancer looking for new clients, you’ll likely find plenty of opportunities to take on low-cost WordPress projects. But pairing the term “low-cost” with WordPress seems like an oxymoron. Sure, it may accurately describe what a client is willing to pay. That doesn’t speak to the chall..

What Would it Take to Prevent CSS Tooltips From Overflowing?

Say you have an elements with CSS tooltips and you’re going to position those tooltips such that it opens up next to the element on hover (or probably better: when clicked/tapped). Next to it where? Above it? What if the element is already really close to the top of the screen? In that case, it shou..