How to Make a Component That Supports Multiple Frameworks in a Monorepo

Your mission — should you decide to accept it — is to build a Button component in four frameworks, but, only use one button.css file! This idea is very important to me. I’ve been working on a component library called AgnosticUI where the purpose is building UI components that aren’t tied to any one..

The Top 5 Form Types to Use in Your Web Design 

There are a lot of factors that contribute to a better user experience on a website. Pages need to load quickly to give users peace of mind and efficiency. Navigation must be clear and straightforward, with direct pathways for visitors to follow when finding your contact pages, blog posts, and produ..

4 Takeaways from the IxDF Journey Mapping Course

Maps are one of the oldest tools humans have used to find their way around the world. They help us understand the lay of the land, where we are, and where we need to go.Like a traditional map, journey maps also help us understand our customers’ world, where they are and where they want to go. They help us identify the roadblocks, twists, and turns they encounter and give the entire product team insights to help resolve those obstacles and create delightful customer experiences.Find out how you and your team can benefit from these tools in Journey Mapping: Improve the Customer Journey. Here’s an overview of what you can find in this course.1. Why Do We Need Journey Maps?Imagine that you’ve or...

Promoting Your Freelance Services the Right Way

As a creative freelancer, I’ve seen a peculiar trend among other freelancers more times than I’d like to recount. I’m going to bring some attention to it, and hopefully persuade at least a few out there to reverse it. The trend is this: many freelancers tend to publish things that go into the dense..

Should CSS Override Default Browser Styles?

CSS overrides can change the default look of almost anything: You can use CSS to override what a checkbox or radio button looks like, but if you don’t, the checkbox will look like a default checkbox on your operating system and some would say that’s best for accessibility and usability.You can use ..

The 20 Best Templates for Creating Geometric Logos

Enlightenment in a shape: geometry. If your clients want to create a memorable brand out of their businesses, the first stop on your journey is designing the logo. And when it comes to brands that want to emphasize their knowledge and wisdom, there’s nothing like geometric logos. Today, we’re bring..

CSS Underlines Are Too Thin and Too Low in Chrome

I’ve encountered two bugs in Chrome while testing the new CSS text-decoration-thickness and text-underline-offset properties, and I want to share them with you here in this article. But first, let’s acknowledge one thing: Default underlines are inconsistent Let’s add a text link to a plain web pa..

Jetpack Features We Love and Use at CSS-Tricks

(This is a sponsored post.) We use and love Jetpack around here. It’s a WordPress plugin that brings a whole suite of functionality to your site ranging from security to marketing with lots of ridiculously useful stuff in between! Here’s our favorite features around here. Powerful Search Jetpack’..

DTC E-Commerce: User Reviews Are Much Less Important for DTC Sites

(Note: Unfortunately, e-mail and RSS don’t support advanced layouts and features. If the graphics in this article look strange, you may want to read the article in your web browser.) Key Takeaways Our large-scale testing of DTC e-commerce sites reveal that users are extremely skeptical of reviews on direct-to-consumer sites — far more than on standard e-commerce sites. When reviews are available, DTC users spend very little time considering them compared to reviews on larger, more traditional sites. Regardless of whether reviews are available, users nearly always want to seek external reviews before feeling confident with purchasing, prioritizing third-party content over that available through the retailer. On standard e-commerce and mass merchant sites like Amazon, Walmart, and Home Depot, reviews are one of the most heavily utilized parts of the site. In fact, in our large-scale UX testing of traditional e-commerce sites, reveal that upwards of 95% of users rely on site-provide..

CSS-Based Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting is bad. It’s a term that refers to building up enough metadata about a user that you can essentially figure out who they are. JavaScript has access to all sorts of fingerprinting possibilities, which then combined with the IP address that the server has access to, means fingerprinting..