How we run Product Discovery at a design agency

What, when, why, who, and how. Some basics about product discovery and the adjustments we made to fit an agency set-up. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How neuroscience has deeply influenced AI cognition models

The virtues and limits of the brain-machine metaphor Continue reading on UX Collective »

Product design in practice: Fixing broken customer experiences in existing products

Photo by Jason Strull from unsplash: products that clear the startup product-market fit race usually come with all kinds of baggage — tech debt, product debt, promises and visions teams never followed-up on… These can create serious friction between you..

Green by default

This simple psychological trick could vastly reduce tech’s carbon footprint.We humans are creatures of comfort. We like taking the easy route, the low-hanging fruit, the way that doesn’t make us think. That’s why default options and standards are so powerful. We’re more likely to stick with them tha..

Is Apple capable of designing a usable mouse?

Remembering Jobs’ relentless approach to product design, and how a sufficient mouse design never came to be Continue reading on UX Collective »

Meet the New Sponsors of UXswitch

UXswitch is delighted to welcome two new sponsors for our UX career platform. Zalando will sponsor our unique job board whereas will sponsor our Career Advice Centre. Together we are planning a range of exciting activities over the coming months; from creating a competition for design..

A world designed for men with a “just make it pink” mentality

(But let’s try to do better from now on.)Drawn in Adobe Illustrator by the author.Today is March 8th, or International Women’s Day, and the entire month of March is to celebrate women’s history. Though it is always nice to be reminded of all the advancements women have made in infiltrating male-domi..

Rainbow poop and the curious UX strategy of (some) Youtube ads

YouTube ads are one of the most successful advertising systems in history. In Q4 2020 it brought in $6.9 billion for Google so they’re clearly doing something right. When I worked in advertising, YouTube was almost a default part of nearly every media plan I saw for my two main clients (Hershey and ..

The only way an “edit” feature on Twitter would work

How to provide what users want, while keeping them accountable for what they tweet Continue reading on UX Collective »

InVision hype, card game in Figma, how to estimate design work

Your weekly list of curated design resources, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.Things were still good on the InVision train, at least for us designers. But for InVision, the writing was on the wall. Or, it should have been. These new design tools were a sign: each launched with li..