Adding change management to your DesignOps’ strategy

DesignOps is a transformative function that focuses on the very heart of the teams’ operative system. For this reason, a participative approach to change management is key to ensure success and impact. Yet, the importance of change management as a core skill is still often overlooked.A successful De..

From the astrolabe to software: The history of technical writing and its impact on...

Image by @israelandrxdeTechnical writing’s history had its start hundreds of years ago and can be traced back to A Treatise on the Astrolabe, a medieval instructions manual on the astrolabe and its use, written by Geoffrey Chauce in 1391. Another example of early technical writing work were English ..

Bringing self-compassion into product management

Encouragement to shift your perception of what ‘high performing’ looks like Continue reading on UX Collective »

That involuntary flirt made me consider the design ethics

Seven conclusions after two weeks of a diary study.Photo: Phix Nguyen, Unsplash.comYou can’t walk into the room of Design Ethics, learn it, and then exit. But you can walk into the stakeholder's room, say that the business model is sh*tty, and then exit. The long-term solution of course lies so..

Psychological principles every product designer should know

Source: Vladimir Hadzic on DribbbleIt isn’t a mystery that a large part of delivering a highly successful user experience is understanding what the customer wants/needs along with the cognition that consequently gets customers thinking about what they want/need. Psychology, thus, becomes a crucial e..

A world designed for men with a “just make it pink” mentality

(But let’s try to do better from now on.)Drawn in Adobe Illustrator by the author.Today is March 8th, or International Women’s Day, and the entire month of March is to celebrate women’s history. Though it is always nice to be reminded of all the advancements women have made in infiltrating male-domi..

The curated list of 25 amazing fonts for 2021

The search for a perfect font ends here. Serifs, sans-serifs and more! Continue reading on UX Collective »

In defence of physical buttons

I feel the need. The need for tactile feedback. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The most important soft skill for designers: Communication

Why strong communication skills are so significant to a designer’s success. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Putting to the test Google’s plan to disrupt the university degree

A UX design and ethical analysis of Google’s UX Design Professional Certificate Course.A screenshot of Google’s UX design course on CourseraI usually only binge-watch Netflix shows. But after reading about Google’s plan to disrupt the college degree, following an announcement from Sundar Pichai, CEO..