Ebooks and academics: an interview study

We asked students to share their stories about using ebooks. Here’s what we learned. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Unsplash: Where are all the women?

As a UX designer, I am often tasked with making user personas to better understand a target audience for a product or service. For this particular client, I was working with, they told me their core user group were women age fifty and older. I was surprised, this demographic is often overlooked in t..

Psychological principles every product designer should know

Source: Vladimir Hadzic on DribbbleIt isn’t a mystery that a large part of delivering a highly successful user experience is understanding what the customer wants/needs along with the cognition that consequently gets customers thinking about what they want/need. Psychology, thus, becomes a crucial e..

The problem of over-relying on A/B testing

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of experimentation and metrics-driven product development. It brings scientific evidence to decision… Continue reading on UX Collective »

How the 1978 Cuisinart led to disability-aware universal design

The work of Universal Design founder, Marc Harrison shows us that accessible products that work for everyone are the result of observation-based research and iteration, not just a well-meaning but largely theoretical commitment to “inclusion.”When I was learning to handle a chef’s knife like a compe..

The hurdles to opt-out of giving away personal information.

You probably don’t read the cookie consent forms, but you should at least be aware of what you are clicking. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Design tokens 101

Web developers used to hard-code all of their style data. If a button needed a background color of blue, they’d assign the background… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Android: 12 years of design history

Nowadays Android is installed on about 2.5 billion active devices. How did it begin? Let’s test it and figure it out. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Minari and my first font

The font I designed as a student is being used to publicise one of the biggest movies of the year. Did they have to use that font though?Six Oscar nominations for the Minari movie on the back of all those other awards. And you used that font! You people. Bit embarrassing really. I like this industry..

What your workspace can(’t) do for you

A guide with things you already know but keep ignoring. Continue reading on UX Collective »