Cherry-Picking Commits in Git

This article is part of our “Advanced Git” series. Be sure to follow us on Twitter or sign up for our newsletter to hear about the next articles! In part 5 of this series, we looked at rebasing and merging. Although there are a couple of differences between git merge and git rebase, both commands h..

The Gap (Design Engineering)

Egor Kloos describes a situation where a (purely visual) designer asks for some changes to a component. There is a misunderstanding where the (code monkey) developer implements the change exactly as requested—but really what was required was both a bug fix and a new variation to the component. Becau..

A Clever Sticky Footer Technique

Upon hearing “sticky footer” these days, I would think most people imagine a position: sticky situation where a footer element appears fixed on the screen while in the scrolling context of some parent element. That’s not quite what I’m talking about here. “Sticky footers” were a UI concept before p..

Line length revisited: following the research

Mary Dyson produces nitty gritty research on the long-accepted notion that shorter line lengths are more legible than longer ones. The study finds that shorter lines do not necessarily lead to faster reading. If you’re looking for a definitive answer to use in your next design review debate, though,..

Generate a Pull Request of Static Content With a Simple HTML Form

Jamstack has been in the website world for years. Static Site Generators (SSGs) — which often have content that lives right within a GitHub repo itself — are a big part of that story. That opens up the idea of having contributors that can open pull requests to add, change, or edit content. Very usef..

Jamstack TV

That’s the name of Netlify’s YouTube Channel. Love that. I linked up Rich’s talk the other day, which was a part of this past JamstackConf, but now all the talks are up on there. Rich got to talk about Svelte, but there are talks on Astro, RedwoodJS, Eleventy, Vue… all the cool kids really. I’m su..

Color Alpha Anywhere

In my “Different Degrees of Custom Property Usage” article, I noted a situation about colors and CSS custom properties where I went “too far” with breaking up HSL color values. Breaking every single color into its H, S, and L parts is may be a step too far. But you probably do want to split it up l..

Defining and Applying UI Themes Using the Mimcss CSS-in-JS Library

Theming UI refers to the ability to perform a change in visual styles in a consistent manner that defines the “look and feel” of a site. Swapping color palettes, à la dark mode or some other means, is a good example. From the user’s perspective, theming involves changing visual styles, whether it’s ..

Other Looks at the Conditional Border Radius Trick

Remember when Ahmad Shadeed wrote about that border-radius “toggle” he found in Facebook’s CSS? It was interesting! I covered it. A few weeks after that surge of linkage, a couple of articles came out digging into it a little deeper. In “Evaluating Clever CSS Solutions,” Michelle Barker wonders ho..

Interactive Rebase: Clean up your Commit History

This article is part of our “Advanced Git” series. Be sure to follow Tower on Twitter or sign up for their newsletter to hear about the next articles. Interactive Rebase is the Swiss Army knife of Git commands: lots of use cases and lots of possibilities! It’s really a great addition to any develop..