Can We Create a “Resize Hack” With Container Queries?
If you follow new developments in CSS, you’ve likely heard of the impending arrival of container queries. We’re going to look at the basics here, but if you’d like another look, check out Una’s “Next Gen CSS: @container” article. After we have a poke at the basics ourselves, we’re going to build som..
fit-content and fit-content()
Here’s some hardcore deep-dive CSS nerdery from PPK. If you can wrap your mind around min-content (the smallest an element can be based on the content it contains) and max-content (the largest the content of an element can push it) then it’s just one more little step to understanding fit-content. As..
Notion API
The Public Beta of the Notion API dropped! Woot! Here’s their guide. I’ve been a Notion user and fan for a long time, for both personal and professional team use. They even sponsored a few videos around here a while back that are still a great representation of how I use Notion. Because Notion is so..
svg-loader: A Different Way to Work With External SVG
SVGs are awesome: they are small, look sharp on any scale, and can be customized without creating a separate file. However, there is something I feel is missing in web standards today: a way to include them as an external file that also retains the format’s customization powers.
For instance, let’s..
Pinned Audio WordPress Theme
I’m afraid I have to start this with a whole backstory, as the journey here is the point, not so much the theme.
A fella wrote to me a while back outlining a situation he was in. His company has a bunch of WordPress sites for public radio, many of which are essentially homes for podcasts. There is ..
How to Create Neon Text With CSS
Neon text can add a nice, futuristic touch to any website. I’ve always loved the magic of neon signs, and wanted to recreate them using CSS. I thought I’d share some tips on how to do it! In this article, we’re going to take a look at how to add glowing effects to text. We’ll also take a look at var..
The Humble `img` Element And Core Web Vitals
Addy Osmani on images in HTML:
The humble
element has gained some superpowers over the years. Given how central it is to image optimization on the web, let’s catch up on what it can do and how it can help improve user experience and the Core Web Vitals.
Addy does a good job of translating st..
A Love Letter to HTML & CSS
Ashley Kolodziej — May 2021
I see you.
In the back there, behind JavaScript and React and PHP and all those “real” programming languages, I see you. And I appreciate you.
I’ve seen the YouTube videos. You’ve been condensed down to a sixty-second blip on the path to bigger and bet..
An interactive tool for learning grid syntax from Etesam Ansari. In the Learn section, it teaches you some concepts (involving multiple bits of the grid syntax) then gives you a task to complete by filling out the right syntax. I’m sharing because I think this sort of thing really clicks with people..
Auto-Generated Social Media Images
I’ve been thinking about social media images again. You know, the images that (can) show up when you share a link in places like Twitter, Facebook, or iMessage. You’re essentially leaving money on the table without them, because they turn a regular post with a little ol’ link in it into a post with ..