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Ink traps and pals

Recently I’ve seen this tweet from Yves Peters asking how to call these spikes which I replied briefly (spoiler: it’s a light trap!). I had a lot more to explore on the topic, so I decided to write not just about light traps, but similar concepts and shapes too. There are days in life of typeface de..

To add is expected, to subtract is design

A couple years ago I wrote about how healthcare should take customer experience guru Dan Gingiss’s advice: do simple better. Now new research illustrates why this is so hard: when it comes to trying to make improvements, people would rather add than subtract. That, in a nutshell, may help explain wh..

Frameworks for measuring product inclusion and product equity

A few working frameworks for PMs, execs, small teams, and startups.You can’t change what you don’t measure — and measurement is a core challenge of building inclusive products. In this post, we’ll cover micro-level quantitative frameworks for measuring product inclusion and product equity — areas li..

How Netflix’s binary rating system is hurting our documentaries

The good, the bad, and nothing else. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Tips on designing inclusively for auditory/hearing disabilities

Their problems, behaviours, needs & tools, plus design guidelines for building accessible products.Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella on UnsplashIn my article “The three levels of accessibility”, I mention the importance of designing for clarity and inclusivity. Not only to ensure everybody regardle..

How chess machines have improved human strategic skills

Deep Blue 1996’s victory was just a fresh start Continue reading on UX Collective »

Charles and Ray Eames: The iconic couple of 20th-century design

History and legacy of the legendary partners in life and work Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designing to reduce the user’s mental burden

Thoughtfully designed products don’t impose an unnecessary mental load on their users. Here are some products that make me think too much. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Should I be using NPS to measure customer loyalty in SaaS?

Focus on what you can do for the customer, not what the customer can do for you. Continue reading on UX Collective »

When capitalism gives you blisters

Where shareholders are users, the corporation a product: a brief tale of the education of a corporate designer. Continue reading on UX Collective »