New directions: The cover story

New Directions: The Cover StoryPioneer designer Alvin Lustig’s fifty best book covers in one box.Lustig’s first cover design for New Directions, 1941The great graphic designer Milton Glaser once said, “there are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no, and WOW!” WOW! is what you’ll say to New..

Will inclusive design help Twitter Spaces overtake Clubhouse?

Who will create a more inclusive, inviting, and engaging space? Continue reading on UX Collective »

You look creative, but you sound like a bank

How understanding tone of voice can help architects, designers and creative businesses win work and get noticed. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The magical moments behind successful products

How to leverage entertainment as a social driver to foster a sustainable community and connection across users(Image Credit: Allison Yu)You may have noticed before that people really like entertainment; but what about it makes us so drawn to it? What about us as humans make us so drawn to it? There’..

Embrace imperfection to design with character

Imperfections are usually something we try to hide, but there are some great examples where they have been turned into decisive strengths.What do these have in common? Pixar choosing to make its first movie about toysThe decor of Friends, unchanged for 10 seasonsThe scratchy sound of a vinyl recordA..

Defining a diversity and inclusion messaging strategy

A definitive guide to get your tone in writing right — right now Continue reading on UX Collective »

Collective update: Our 2021 editorial plan

Lots of writers have been asking us about the types of stories we’re prioritizing this year. Here’s a guide that can help.The UX Collective is now the largest design publication on Medium, reaching an audience of over four hundred thousand people from all over the world. With that, comes great respo..

Can user research hurt more than help?

Avoid these situations that create bad data Continue reading on UX Collective »

Viewing patterns: The subconscious psychology of the eye

Source: studiokat on DribbbleUsers don’t read, instead, they scan.Everyone wants to save time, get things done right and fast. The average attention span of a user on a website is 8 seconds. Users want to skim through content quickly, with minimum friction, and minimum timed used. They scan through ..

The harsh reality of being a designer (and how to deal with it)

Omertà is an Italian word that refers to a code of silence and honour. Synonymous with the Mafia, it places importance on silence in the face of questioning from outsiders. Omertà doesn’t just exist in the murky criminal underworld. Doping athletes such as the now-disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong h..