A playbook for designing for sales

Sales Design is a type of Service Design with its own best practices Continue reading on UX Collective »

Thinking in public as a digital product designer

“I’m usually not that negative but this is bad…”— Well-meaning fellow designerIn a matter of minutes, a few more comments popped out mocking my poor writing and lack of actionable information in my article. My mood sank. They are right! I start writing responses to each one, justifying myself like a..

Adding a social layer across the web

How adding a social layer across the entire web can make it more delightful Continue reading on UX Collective »

Beyond the buzzword: Gamification done right

Gamification can make a good product better if done right, but it’s not a magic potion Continue reading on UX Collective »

Peek like a Geek, steal like the greatest

How to use metaphors to gain an understanding of your customers mental model? Continue reading on UX Collective »

Challenging power dynamics and individual responsibility

Episode three. The world we live in is a complex phenomenon, where we can play different significant roles, but not determining. In other… Continue reading on UX Collective »

How virtual reality can create real connections

360° devices are redefining human presence and intimacy Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designing to reduce the user’s mental burden

Thoughtfully designed products don’t impose an unnecessary mental load on their users. Here are some products that make me think too much. Continue reading on UX Collective »

An interaction state of mind

A critical factor in making developers and designers work cooperatively and cross-functionally is a shared understanding of design and code. One aspect that disrupts this is interaction states. Time and again, designers forget to design every state, and developers are left guessing how to implement ..

Stop asking your users what they want

Four simple tricks to improve the quality of your user interview questions Continue reading on UX Collective »