If men hate shopping, why do they still lead so many retail companies?

Insights from 30 years of watching men and women shop and manage retail companies Continue reading on UX Collective »

Product manager moves: How to build trust with your design team

Starting from a place of inquiry, curiosity, humility.Photo by Tranmautritam from PexelsThe “Everyone’s a Photographer” ProblemAs Product Managers, there’s a fine line between being the “CEO of the product” and getting into the pixels of a design. We write user stories that define the needs the user..

Type traps, design maxims, new Figma, UI tips collection

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.“One of the fundamental forces behind my journey is the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other designers. Building relationships is a crucial part of what we do. I’ve always been a people person myself. That’s just part of my na..

What design research can learn from Socrates’ sneakers

Design research meets Greek philosophy Continue reading on UX Collective »

The only way an “edit” feature on Twitter would work

How to provide what users want, while keeping them accountable for what they tweet Continue reading on UX Collective »

The interface effect

An interface is not something projected on a screen, it is a mediation technique between interrelated levels and layers.No one knows for sure, how Gyges came to the throne of Lydia (680 BC), which led to countless stories and legends about it. At that time, Lydia was ruled by Candaules, a man who ac..

The curated list of 25 amazing fonts for 2021

The search for a perfect font ends here. Serifs, sans-serifs and more! Continue reading on UX Collective »

Where UX writing and content strategy meet

Every digital communications expert should excel at 3 skills to navigate changing roles. It only takes a little adapting to make the most of them in each scenario.After five and a half years in a Senior UX Writing role, I moved to a content strategy position within the same E-business area. My daily..

How to handle UI scaling in games

Supporting different screen resolutions and accessibility feature Continue reading on UX Collective »

Psychological principles every product designer should know

Source: Vladimir Hadzic on DribbbleIt isn’t a mystery that a large part of delivering a highly successful user experience is understanding what the customer wants/needs along with the cognition that consequently gets customers thinking about what they want/need. Psychology, thus, becomes a crucial e..