The most common mistake designers make when adjusting their bar charts

What to do if your values don’t fit? Continue reading on UX Collective »

How Coca-Cola uses Gestalt principles in their branding

Let’s understand how your eyes and brain play the magic of perception. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The magical moments behind successful products

How to leverage entertainment as a social driver to foster a sustainable community and connection across users(Image Credit: Allison Yu)You may have noticed before that people really like entertainment; but what about it makes us so drawn to it? What about us as humans make us so drawn to it? There’..

How can AI help you write emails?

Insights from 156 people writing emails with AI in the loopOriginal photo by cottonbro from Pexels.We built a prototype AI email editor with text generation from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and asked 156 people to write emails with it. We compared different UI settings and use by native or non..

Designing for the autistic community

Product design principles that will improve usability for everyone. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Investing in your career — and in your portfolio

Investing in your career — and in your portfolioInterview with Shawn Park about shaping and investing in your career path.Leading with Craftis a limited series of articles where we shed a light on stories of designers with successful careers as individual contributors. Curating and publishing hundre..

Maintaining attention in AR

How to direct and maintain attention in augmented reality applications.Co-Authors: Cat Hodges, Hannah Nye, and Kay Stanney Augmented reality (AR) is a powerful tool that enhances our real world with overlaid virtual information. AR’s use ranges from virtually testing the look of new furniture in our..

Do I know enough about the problem to prescribe a solution?

The prescription vs. the platform approach.Picture Jon. Jon is a first adopter (early consumer) of a startup that’s trying to design a better way to roast salmon using a toaster oven. He’s smart, 35, and a working professional. He spends his evenings answering work emails and watching Dora the Explo..

What design research can learn from Socrates’ sneakers

Design research meets Greek philosophy Continue reading on UX Collective »

Good discovery, best discovery

I often see product teams filled with people with the same old complaining about not having enough time for Discovery phases. “I wish I had more time to make for Discovery.”– Any product person, any company.I have some strong opinions about this topic. I’ll try to explain my thinking in a broader se..