How neuroscience has deeply influenced AI cognition models

The virtues and limits of the brain-machine metaphor Continue reading on UX Collective »

Your new UX superpower: Business acumen“So, how do you decide between user needs and business needs?”I get this question all the time. Mostly, I hear it from people who are in the process of transitioning from a post-grad program into their first UXR job at a for-profit company. It hints at an under..

Universal design for learning for students with Autism

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-based set of principles that together form a practical framework for using technology to… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designing to reduce the user’s mental burden

Thoughtfully designed products don’t impose an unnecessary mental load on their users. Here are some products that make me think too much. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Empathy in the everyday: How we’re wired to make things better

Empathy has quickly captured the collective attention of the business world, including recent mentions from Google’s Chief Innovation… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why Spotify’s new desktop client has better (or not) UX?

I have been an avid Spotify user for over 6 years. I love creating my playlists, discovering new artists … but what I love the most is just listening to music while I work on my design projects. As a user and a young interface designer, when the Spotify desktop app update came out, it obviously caug..

Investing in your career — and in your portfolio

Investing in your career — and in your portfolioInterview with Shawn Park about shaping and investing in your career path.Leading with Craftis a limited series of articles where we shed a light on stories of designers with successful careers as individual contributors. Curating and publishing hundre..

You look creative, but you sound like a bank

How understanding tone of voice can help architects, designers and creative businesses win work and get noticed. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The assumption of empathy: Are all designers psychotherapists now?

Empathy, empathy, empathy. It’s a term lavishly tossed about like salt at a fast-food restaurant. As designers, we have become inured to the threadbare pervasiveness that has stripped it of its essential worth. We take its meaning for granted.Munch, Edvard. “Attraction II.” 1895. Original from The A..

The role of Reflection in the design process

The often-overlooked last step.In product design, when we release a feature into the wild, we can expect a degree of objectivity in the feedback we get. We can tell if our designs are helping or hurting based on the feedback and metrics after we ship. Getting my hands on these metrics can be challen..