Top vs side navigation: Which one is better for your product?

Today we compare them to see who will pack more punches.What does the research say?When choosing a navigation layout for your app usually you will need to define the position of primary, secondary, and tertiary navigation hierarchy. A research study “A comparison of three-level menu navigation struc..

How to create buyer personas with people who don’t use your product yet

Segmenting your audience with data over assumptions Continue reading on UX Collective »

When Mies designed a drive-in

Fast food never had it so good. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Good design is science, not art

Although it probably helps to be a little artistic.NOTE: This article is for novice designers who want to improve their skills and grow their client base. This article is not meant to disparage art or artists in the slightest. I bear the utmost respect for artists of all kind and couldn’t fathom the..

A new, revolutionary UI is just around the corner — here are the signs

We all remember the 2nd one. The 5th one is on its way. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Can service design empower students?

Service design has taken a more prominent role and found its way into the daily routine of industries. It holds an important place in the… Continue reading on UX Collective »

My phone is not a fridge

When talking about consumer and producer responsibility, there are apparent differences in device categories. OEMs take note. Continue reading on UX Collective »

3,360 Figma variants, is graphic design too trendy, is Framer still alive?

Weekly curated resources for designers who are thinkers as much as they’re makers. Brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.Before the introduction of Variants, it was cumbersome to navigate a Figma asset library for components with multiple states or characteristics. More painful still w..

Challenging power dynamics and individual responsibility

Episode three. The world we live in is a complex phenomenon, where we can play different significant roles, but not determining. In other… Continue reading on UX Collective »