The principles of sensory design

Sight isn’t the only way to experience the world: Senses work in tandem to guide cognition, movement, and communication. Experts posit that humans possess between 9 and 33 distinct senses, yet digital design routinely ignores neurological factors beyond sight. Sensory design principles emphasize the..

Bringing self-compassion into product management

Encouragement to shift your perception of what ‘high performing’ looks like Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designers: mind your language

I sometimes wonder how the design community — a group of people who pride themselves on their empathy and ability to communicate clearly — have been able to create such an unapproachable profession. For outsiders, the litany of buzzwords, methodologies, and rules can at best confuse newcomers, and a..

Your new UX superpower: Business acumen“So, how do you decide between user needs and business needs?”I get this question all the time. Mostly, I hear it from people who are in the process of transitioning from a post-grad program into their first UXR job at a for-profit company. It hints at an under..