Why has no one made a better Goodreads

People who read often desire to read in connection with other readers. Readers have found community within the website, “Goodreads.” And while it builds community and conversation, most who use the site want a better Goodreads. Anyone who’s used it for anything repeatedly shares a number of laments...

Understanding data feminism

A new way of thinking about data science and data ethics, informed by the ideas of intersectional feminism.by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein Introduction: We wrote this book because we are data scientists and data feminists. Although we speak as a “we” in this book, and share certain identi..

Affordances and signifiers

Creating designs, components and interactions that make sense to users Continue reading on UX Collective »

Redesigning design practices alongside artificial intelligence

Image : David Serrault“AI design will allow creatives to concentrate on their real jobs.”reportedly said Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. I was not able to certify the source of this quote, however, it poses a question: What is the real designer job? Or, what would be the designer’s “real job” that Mr. Cook ..