Understanding data feminism

A new way of thinking about data science and data ethics, informed by the ideas of intersectional feminism.by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein Introduction: We wrote this book because we are data scientists and data feminists. Although we speak as a “we” in this book, and share certain identi..

Redesigning design practices alongside artificial intelligence

Image : David Serrault“AI design will allow creatives to concentrate on their real jobs.”reportedly said Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. I was not able to certify the source of this quote, however, it poses a question: What is the real designer job? Or, what would be the designer’s “real job” that Mr. Cook ..

Your new UX superpower: Business acumen

https://unsplash.com/photos/ArA3S3k0wTU“So, how do you decide between user needs and business needs?”I get this question all the time. Mostly, I hear it from people who are in the process of transitioning from a post-grad program into their first UXR job at a for-profit company. It hints at an under..

Bringing self-compassion into product management

Encouragement to shift your perception of what ‘high performing’ looks like Continue reading on UX Collective »